Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dieting Tip

I've never been "into" reality tv, but I've loved "The Biggest Loser" since the get-go. My walking buddy also loves the show and we review the show while walking.
This past week she mentioned that she purchased some gum they are promoting on The Biggest Loser. Hmmm. There might be something to the gum chewing. Perhaps I might be less tempted to sample and nibble if I chewed gum while cooking. (Good strategy.)
So, this afternoon I purchased a pack of gum and put the gum chewing idea to the test. I was baking "The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever" and I started chewing gum. I pulled the gum out of my mouth to sample the frosting.
I guess it isn't the best dieting tip ever.
But here is the recipe if you are interested. Pioneer Woman's Best Chocolate Sheet Cake Ever


Nikki said...

Well, as I was reading...I was thinking that's a GREAT idea...b/c I am really bad about nibbling while I'm cooking!!! But, at the end of your post, I realized I'd do the same exact thing as you did...take that gum out of my mouth so I could taste that yummy chocolate...LOL!!!! But, maybe I'll give the gum AND the cake a try:-)

Anonymous said...

lol. Too funny!

MaryLu said...

It works for me, what's your problem? Just kidding!! I sometimes do the same thing.

Chrissy said...

I just looked at the cake...I know the temptation would be to great for me also!

Mandy said...

Somehow I just stumbled upon your blog! and I love it! I'll be checking back often :)


Sarah said...

Ha, ha...I'd do the same thing. Sometimes I brush my teeth or rinse with Listerine bf baking. Pretty much guarantees that nothing will taste good.

Ter said...

I find I can't chew gum for long periods of time anymore. When I was younger (maybe 13, 14 yrs old?) I chewed it 24 hours a day. Yes, you read that right. I would have gum in my mouth first thing int he morning and I would stick it to my gums at school where you're not allowed to chew gum in class, then I would chew it all day and I would even fall asleep with gum in my mouth and chew it in my sleep. It wasn't always the same piece of gum since I did take it out to eat, but I ate it all the time. But when I got my braces, I couldn't chew gum, but after I got them off, I found I lost my craving for gum. Cola, on the other hand....


joco said...


that cake looks good enough to eat. I'll be licking the screen any minute now :-}

Just heard the other day that the chewing movement of your jaws calls up hormones that signal you are full. That might be the rationale behind chewing gum.

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